Sailesh's blog

I have finally decided to join the blogsphere and publish my thoughts to the world.. Lets see if anyone is listening..

Friday, February 24, 2006

3 weeks at Kosmix

The first three weeks at Kosmix have been wonderful. The people are great and environment is quite easy. I am so glad to be finally in an environment where things happen as fast as you want them to happen either because you can walk over to the person responsible or if no one is, then you can do it yourself!

It also so cool that just within these 3 weeks I was able to contribute something useful to the company! I am also learning a lot about web applications and the truism of using the internet as your lab. Put a feature out there and the world will till you whether it works and how you can modify it to make it useful.

Now I am off to India for 2.5 weeks for a quick vacation before I get back into the swing of things at work.


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