Sailesh's blog

I have finally decided to join the blogsphere and publish my thoughts to the world.. Lets see if anyone is listening..

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My first election coming up

For the first time in my life I am eligible to vote and at a location where I can. On June 6th, CA has a primary election where there are a couple of propositions on the ballot too. I got a call yesterday from a LA Times pollster asking me a ton of questions. He made me realize that I better bone up and get educated on the local issues. For those of you wh0 havent done so, here is a link to the secretary of state's information booklet.

Mostly it seemed like the pollster wanted to know whether I thought any of the democrats could beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. Other questions included whether I could name recognize a bunch of people. Except for Senators Fienstein and Boxer, I dont think I recognized the rest.

But what I think about the main political issues is that californians have not been well served by their elected leaders. Hence they have resorted to propositions to circumvent the elected leadership. Unfortunately since most of the people are apathetic and dont vote, the propostions get used by special interests to get bad and binding decisions.

I think it was a very bad decision to put a cap on the property taxes. Home owners should pay taxes proportionate to the value of their asset. This would raise most of the money necessary for the state to function. More importantly I think it would lead to a significant cooling in housing prices.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prop 13 is one of the most important restraints ever on the the expansion of the size of the California government. An important effect of Prop 13 is that old ladies don't get kicked out of their houses. If someone bought a Palo Alto house in 1950 for $3000, should they have to pay the taxes on $1.2M?

11:15 AM  

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